About Us
Why Become a Member?
Membership in the Friends of Frontenac brings park users who are interested in helping maintain and enhance park resources together, through a variety of activities and programs. Membership fees help finance our work. Please join us today.
How Can I Donate Money To “The Friends” apart from my membership fee?
CanadaHelpsDonations can be made to the Friends of Frontenac Provincial Park.
What Do The Friends of Frontenac Do?
- Annual Park Challenges.
- Assist park staff with trail maintenance.
- Annual work bees, as needed.
- Outdoor skills workshops.
- Guided hikes.
- BBQ for members and other social events.
- A winter guest lecture and general meeting.
- Volunteer training, usually each spring.
- Fundraise for several special projects (such as an outdoor shelter for education).
- Publish a newsletter several times per year.
- Sponsor citizens’ science projects, such as the coyote/wolf DNA survey and bird counts.
- Publish updated park maps and trail guides.
- Provide merchandise as park souvenirs.
Board of Directors
Ted Holden
Vice President
Charles Slowey
Jason Yokom
Glenn Alkema
Louise Langlais
Newsletter Editor
Director at Large
Mike Fischer
Navigation Instructor
Dave Lucas
Challenge Coordinator
Chantal St.Amour
Park Superintendent
Ben Chabot
Trail Maintenance Volunteers Coordinator
Myra Emery
A Visitor’s Creed
I am a guest in this beautiful land of rocks and lakes, of trees and ponds, where deer, beaver,
and porcupines are at home. Where wildflowers bloom, and ice creeks and loons cry their lonely calls.
To free myself to enjoy this land, I plan my trip carefully, carry appropriate gear, and leave
word of my route and destination.
By following hiking trails and portage trails, I try to leave as little a sign of my passage on land
as a canoe does on water.
I do not pick plants, cut trees, or feed or harass wildlife.
To limit the signs of mice, I camp only at marked campsites.
By using a portable camp stove, I leave even fewer scars. If I have a fire, it is small and made in a campsite fireplace with dead fallen wood. I do not cut standing trees, break off their branches for kindling, or strip their bark.
My dog is leashed, to prevent it from chasing wildlife.
If I fish, I heed all the rules of good fishing. I bury fish and entrails 35 meters from camp.
I wash dishes, clothes and myself 15 meters from lakes and streams. My soap is biodegradable
and does not belong in the lakes and streams.
I follow sanitary practices. In camp, I use privies. Away from my campsite, I bury human waste in a shallow latrine 15 centimeters deep.
I pack out all my garbage and litter and try to leave my campsite a little better than I found it.
I talk to Park staff about my problems or concerns.
As much as I can, I want to become a part of this beautiful land, not an intrusion.